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学术预告丨Structured Polynomial Optimization: A Unified Approach for Global Optimization

作者:   时间:2024-01-17   点击数:

题目:Structured Polynomial Optimization: A Unified Approach for Global Optimization


邀请人:黄巧龙 副研究员

摘要:Polynomial optimization is an important class of non-convex optimization problems, and has a powerful modelling ability for both continuous and discrete optimization. Over the past two decades, the moment-SOS hierarchy has been well developed for globally solving polynomial optimization problems. However, the rapidly growing size of SDP relaxations arising from the moment-SOS hierarchy makes it computationally intractable for large-scale problems. In this talk, I will show that there are plenty of algebraic structures to be exploited to remarkably improve the scalability of the moment-SOS hierarchy, which leads to the new active research area of structured polynomial optimization.

主讲人简介:王杰,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院副研究员。2017年博士毕业于中科院数学院,2017-2019年在北京大学从事博士后研究,2019-2021年在法国国家科学中心和Lasserre教授合作从事大规模多项式优化的研究。入选中科院数学院“陈景润未来之星计划“、中国运筹学会青年人才发展专项等。在SIAM J. Opt., SIAM J. Appl. Alg. G., Math. Program., ACM T. Math. Soft.等期刊发表论文近30篇,在World Scientific Press出版专著《Sparse Polynomial Optimization: Theory and Practice》。研究兴趣包括:多项式优化,半定规划,实代数几何,符号计算及其在运筹控制、计算机视觉、神经网络、量子信息等领域的应用。


地点:腾讯会议 538-857-035

地址:中国山东省济南市山大南路27号   邮编:250100  

电话:0531-88364652  院长信箱:sxyuanzhang@sdu.edu.cn

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