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m6体育入口学术预告丨Primitive Forms from Log Landau-Ginzburg Mirrors of Projective Toric Manifolds

作者:   时间:2024-03-08   点击数:

题目:Primitive Forms from Log Landau-Ginzburg Mirrors of Projective Toric Manifolds


摘要:We introduce the notion of a logarithmic Landau-Ginzburg (log LG) model for projective toric manifolds, which is essentially given by equipping the central degenerate fiber of the Landau-Ginzburg mirror family with a log structure. We show that the state space of the mirror log LG model is naturally isomorphic to that of the original toric manifold. Following the work of S Li, Changzheng Li and K. Saito, we give a perturbative construction of primitive forms by studying the deformation theory of such a log LG model, which involves both smoothing of the central degenerate fiber and unfolding of the superpotential. This yields a logarithmic Frobenius manifold structure on the base space of the universal unfolding.



3月9日(周六)上午9:30-11:00 下午14:00-15:30



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