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Sums of Projections in Semifinite Factors

作者:   时间:2022-05-07   点击数:

Lecturer:Fang Junsheng


Which positive operators in a factor von Neumann algebra can be written as sums of projections? This question is studied by Victor Kaftal, Ping Wong Ng, and Shuang Zhang. They obtained beautiful results on the question. In this talk we report some new progress on the question. This is joint work with Xinyan Cao and Zhaolin Yao.

Introduction to the Lecturer:

Fang Junsheng, who was born in May 1974 in Zhengding, Hebei Province, received his Ph.D. from the University of New Hampshire in 2008, worked as a post-doctor at Texas A&M University from 2008 to 2010, worked as a professor and doctoral supervisor at the Dalian University of Technology from 2010 to 2015, and worked at Hebei Normal University since 2016. His research interests lie primarily in functional analysis and operator algebra, publishing more than 30 mathematical papers in internationally renowned journals represented by the Journal of Functional Analysis. Meanwhile, he also received the support of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, National Key Project Fund, General Project Fund, and New Century Outstanding Talents Fund.

Invited by:

Hu Xijun, Professor from the School of Mathematics


10:30-11:30, May 19 (Thursday)


Tencent Meeting

Liaison: Xu Mengrui; Contact: xumr@mail.sdu.edu.cn

Sponsored by: School of Mathematics, Shandong University

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